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Donald and Irene's home in Key Largo, FL.
Donald and Irene's original Mobile home on the left (tan), and their enclosed 2 story Patio on the right (with 3 baths, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, and wrap-around screened in porch), in Key Largo, FL. The Patio description had something to do with zoning.
Jewfish Creek in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997. Dad, Kay, and Ty on the Peregrine II after passing thru Jewfish Creek in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997.
Kay and Captain Michele on the Peregrine II in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997. Kay, Ty, Captain Michele, and Don on the Peregrine II in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997.
Kay, Captain Ty, Michele, and Don on the Peregrine II in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997. Ty, Captain Kay, and Michele on the Peregrine II in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997.
Dad, Kay, and Ty on the Peregrine II in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997. Ty and Michele on the Key Largo house dock, Thanksgiving of 1997.
Jim, Ty, Don, Michele, Irene, Kay, and Tyler in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997. Irene, Don, Ty, Michele, Kay, and Tyler in front of the 1989 Taurus in Key Largo, Thanksgiving 1997.
Kay, Michele, Tyler, Don, and Irene in the Peregrine II during Thanksgiving week 1999. Kay, Ty, and Michele in Key West during Thanksgiving week 1999.
Ty, Kay, and Michele at Treasure Village, Fla Keys Mile Marker 86.7 Oceanside Islamorada during Thanksgiving week 1999. Irene, Ty, Michele, and Don in the Peregrine II during Christmas week 2001.
Don on the Peregrine II during Christmas week 2001. Michele, Irene, Don, and Tyler on the Peregrine II during Christmas week 2001.
Irene, Michele, and Ty at Key West A & B Lobster House during Christmas week 2001. Ty, Irene, and Michele at Key West's SouthernMost Point (and C'mas Tree) with 1990 Eldorado during Christmas week 2001.
Michele, Ty, and Kay Travis near Cruise Ship "Majesty Estas" at Mallory Dock in Key West on December 26, 2002. The Cruise Ship "Majesty Estas" at Mallory Dock in Key West on December 26, 2002.
Michele, Ty, and Kay Travis near the A & B Lobster House in Key West on December 26, 2002. Tyler, Michele, Ty, and Kay Travis near the A&B Lobster House in Key West on December 26, 2002.
Ty, Michele, and Kay Travis at the Two Friends Patio Restaurant in Key West on December 26, 2002. We've eaten lunch there every time we've visited Key West. Kay Travis's 1997 Taurus at the SouthernMost Point (and C'mas Tree) in Key West on December 26, 2002.
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